Red Dragon Inn Tournament

**Black Swamp Gamers will be holding a Red Dragon Inn Tournament SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st starting at 1PM.**

In order for this tournament to work, we MUST have 12 of 15 seats reserved with each participant providing a $10 donation by tournament start date. If all seats have not been reserved by then, adjustments to prizes can be discussed with participants OR we would have to reschedule the date to allow for more time for possible participants to join.

  • This tournament is meant to be welcoming to brand new players and well seasoned players.
    Thus there will be a tutorial beforehand. Matt the tournament organizer will be on hand to
    answer all rule and timing questions throughout.
  • Anybody who brings a character deck from home will be allowed to use it. Otherwise character
    decks will be chosen randomly as you register from our existing pool. Each participant will play
    the same character throughout the tournament.
  • If at all possible, there shouldn’t be more than one of any character in the tournament.
    Characters that participants bring from home will be taken out of the random pool. If by the off
    chance that multiple players bring the same character each player will be allowed to play that
    character. Pooky and Evil Pooky aren’t the same character.
  • Play will happen in pods of 3-6 players depending on the participant count. If the number of
    players dictates uneven pods the difference will never be more than 1. For instance in a 14
    player tournament 5-5-4 or 4-4-3-3 are allowed but not 6-4-4.
  • The tournament organizers may pose a time limit of 20 minutes per player in the larger pods
    per round.
  • Players will score points based on results of each round based on player count in the pod. In a
    4 player pod 1 st place will score 4 points, 2 nd 3 points, etc. In a pod with 1 less player than the
    other pods the point totals will increase by .5 points.
  • After 3 rounds (TO will announce at the beginning of tournament based on player count)
    ranking will be figured out by point total and prize money will be distributed as decided by club
    officers. If top point total is shared there will be a final round to decide the winner.

Tournament Scoring will be determined in the following manner:

  • Your total victory points at the end of each game will be added together to determine your win percenage. This is then applied for a grand total to determine who will play in the final championship round. See spreadsheet day of tournament for percentage calculations.
  • Top 5 will play in the final championship round. Additional prizes will be determined at a later date but we anticipate that:
    • 2nd place – a gift of $25
    • 1st place – a gift of $45
    • All 5 championship round participants will recieve other misc BSG branded items as well for reaching the final table (optional)
    • DISCLAIMER – Note that BSG officers may be in attendance to participate in any club tournament. If there is, the officer will be ineligible to receive any prize money for themselves but the money will then be donated back to the club.

All participants will also recieve a mid-tournament snack in the form of pizza slices and a choice of beverage from our concessions fridge. Additional beverages are available from our club fridge for $1 per can. We will be filling seats in a first come, first served basis. If needed, we will also have a wait list if someone has to drop out last minute to then fill the reserved seat. Please continue to check your provided email addresses below as we will make finalizations to the total seats filled and participants about 1 week prior to the tournament date. We will reach out to every directly with all further details.



# of SeatsParticipate NameSeat Confirmed (payment received)
1Matt VNO
2Matt GNO
3Will PNO
4Victoria PNO
5Dan ONO
6Lorelia ONO