New Membership

Looking to become a member of Black Swamp Gamers? Please consider the following information when making your decision to pay for either a BASIC or PARTNER membership:

  • Your membership provides you and 1 named person in your household access to open club game days that are posted on the club calendar. These typically are Saturdays & Sundays at 1PM.
  • Per account, you are eligible to check out games from our game library of over 400 titles to take home and play with friends and family. MAX of 4 games checked out at 1 time.
  • As noted above, you can choose between the 2 membership types:
    • BASIC MEMBERSHIP (1st year $125 then $150 at yearly renewal)
    • PARTNER MEMBERSHIP ($250 yearly, ask an officer what added responsibilities come with this type)

Codes of Conduct – It is important that members have a common understanding of what behavior is expected to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of our members and guests.

  • We are a private group. Guests who intend on playing must be accompanied by a member and in some cases, approved by a partner OR have a guest pass. First time visitors, such as walk ins, are welcome to browse and converse and participate in any gaming then will be provide all club details and guest pass options upon their departure.
  • There is absolutely NO CHEATING while gaming. If caught, you’ll be warned but if it’s consistent, you’ll be asked to leave and possibly have your membership revoked. These will be determined on a case by case basis.
  • Please keep our area clean and tidy. Once a game is played, please put it back properly in its box and put it back on the shelves where you found it. Please also dispose of any trash into the waste basket. 
  • Please remember to practice clean personal hygiene while gaming. Many other people will be playing these games after you so to keep the spread of germs to a minimum, always remember to wash your hands after using the bathroom or eating any foods. There are hand sanitizer bottles placed around the club area for your use as well as sanitizing wipes for tables or chairs.
  • Accidents do happen but to try and prevent them all together, UNCAPPED drinks are not allowed to be placed on tables where games are in play. Leave your drinks anywhere OTHER than the play area to keep spills from ruining the games.
  • If you intend on playing a game with others, you are expected to FINISH the game. We understand if you have to leave, then someone else can take over your turns, but not finishing a game simply because you don’t want to is unfair to the other players. To keep each game going smoothly, you should only be playing 1 game at a time, no jumping back and forth between tables.
  • The way you play your game is different than how others play theirs. BE RESPECTFUL of other people’s playing styles.
  • Be considerate of other players opinions and ideas. Everyone is neither right nor wrong unless a rule is stated in a games rulebook. If needed, grab an officer to settle your disputes. EVERYONE INCLUDING OFFICERS, are expected to be mindful of your topics of conversation and refrain from excessive foul language, racist comments or slurs, etc. Conversation as such creates a bad, uninviting image that the club does not condone. Members or Officers caught using such language will be handled on a case by case basis.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO TABLE FLIPPING. Calmly remove yourself from the table and relieve your tensions outside.

INITIAL PAYMENT – IF YOU ARE PAYING WITH CASH OR CHECK, please provide this to a club officer and you will be given a paper receipt OR if you would like to pay online, please use the following buttons below that will direct you to our paypal buttons for each membership type. PLEASE NOTE with using the online option, there are transaction fees added to the totals to cover those costs due to the usual infrequency of their use.

LASTLY to make your account official with our recordkeeping, please click the following link to CREATE your forum account for this website. Your account information will then be reviewed and added to the ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE screen under the top right MEMBERS PORTAL. Once approved, you will then have access to the club forum to participate in communication and conversation with other club members. If you have any questions on its use, please contact a club officer.